Thursday, March 01, 2007

Kurt What?

If you've taken a look at the new blog quote that kicks off Engel's Ensights,you'll see the name Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. If you're not a fan of literature, you may not recognize this name. Yet, Vonnegut's name is one associated with some of the most prolific literature of the 20th century.
I first heard of Vonnegut in high school, but never read him until after I lost my sight. "The Slaughterhouse Five", possibly Vonnegut's best known work, was on the list of banned books back in the dark ages when people did such things. So, as a red blooded all American guy, I want to read what people do NOT want me to read! So, I did! Then read "Bluebeard" and several other of Vonnegut's works, all within a few months. Today, I was all nostalgic for the days when I had more time to read for fun and I thought how it'd been years since I'd picked up anything by Vonnegut. If you decide to check him out, be prepared-his books weren't banned for nothing!

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