Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay, Fay Go Away!

Like a bad head cold, Tropical Storm Fay is still hanging around. Tuesday morning when I woke up, it was raining, just a good, soaking rain. No wind, nothing to be afraid of. Twenty minutes later, it was over. We kept an eye on the storm all day because, as you may have seen, Fay has been unpredictable. Tuesday around 6 p.m., the rains set in. Heavy, drenching rains with a moderate amount of wind. Nothing scary, just enough that’d make you want to stop driving and get out of the weather. At that time, Fay was heading west to east across the state and it was estimated she’d end up in the Atlantic where she’d turn into a hurricaine.

First things first, though, we had to get through the weather. Went to speak in Tampa yesterday and had moderate rains for the first half of the drive. On the way home, however, it rained the whole way. Now, I haven’t seen much of a forecast, but the rains are still coming (yes, still), the wind is as bad as it’s been and there’s water seeping in under the front doors. Certainly no flooding like you see on TV, but with all this rain, it’s gotta go somewhere.

Thus far, Fay hasn’t been a big deal. Keep your fingers crossed it’ll stay that way!

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