Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teleconference Network Of Texas

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Yesterday was a first for yours truly. I was the guest presenter for a teleconference arranged by the Teleconference Network of Texas out of UT Health Science Center in San Antonio. We had a group of nutritionists from across the country hooked into the bridge and, based on some of the feedback via E mail, it went well! For the guy who’s real interactive with the audience, giving a program without human feedback was a challenge, but it went really well!

Special thanks to B.J. Brown in San Antonio for being such a great host and moderator! I’d include some pictures, but since this was over the phone, you don’t really want to see me sitting on my couch in a grubby old tee shirt and khaki shorts, do ya?!


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcus,

I'm one of the nutritionists who sat in on your teleconference on Wednesday. That was an amazing presentation. Our hospital provides care to children with special needs and your information was so valuable. Particularly the part about considering the whole person, not just the injury or disability. We wish you the best in your speaking career as every person in healthcare needs to hear you.

Marcus Engel said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for being part of the teleconference! If you contact me via E mail (, I'd be happy to send you copies of the books, too! Or, if you'd prefer E copies, just let me know where to send them! Thanks again!