Thursday, May 18, 2006


Tonight on History (the best channel on cable television, BTW), there's a segment about the mysteries of Freemasonry. This is all in accordance with the build up to the release of "The DaVinci Code" this weekend.

Folks, one reason the whole DaVinci thing intrigues me so much is that I've been a member of the Masonic Lodge for the last seven years, and the York Rite bodies of the Masonic Lodge (Royal Arch, Council of Cryptic Masons and Commandry/Knights Templor) for the last six years. It's amazing how much "mystery" there is surrounding this fraternity that is so close to my heart. And most all of the rumors you hear are complete bunk.

So, if you watch the History special on the Masons, or you see "The DaVinci Code" this weekend and walk away with questions about the order, E mail them to me. There's really nothing to hide. After all, the bodies of the Masonic Lodge have spawned some of the greatest world leaders of the last couple of centuries.

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