Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This week's "This American Life" on NPR was especially interesting. If you didn't catch it, check out audible.com for the podcast. I'm generally(okay, okay, never) a fan of tele-evangelists. I just can't see a bit of integrity in "earning" exorbanant sums of money and calling it the work of God.
So, tonight, I expected to be fairly irritated by the story of Carlson Pearson, a minister trained in the Oral Roberts tradition.

After years of study, Pearson realized that what he'd been taught and, more importantly, what he was now
preaching was, in a word, wrong. When he told his congregation that he’d been wrong and that he was changing his theology, his congregation shrank from over 8000 to less than 300. Monthly offerings went from nearly half a mill down to virtually nothing. Barely anyone in the more fundamental strains of Christianity would even recognize Pearson’s existence after this.

A man with no integrity would scramble to get back those who'd left and (cynicism coming at ya here), their weekly offerings. Not Pearson. Integrity was too important. He believes what he believes-and isn't going to change what he preaches to make money. That is integrity at its best. And I commend him. Check it out if you're in the mood for an interesting piece.


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