Monday, March 05, 2007

Safety Rally at MO Capital Tomorrow

As you know, I'm a HUGE proponent of traffic safety. Everything from anti-DWI campaigns, to youth driving education to things like tomorrow's event at the MO state house in Jefferson City. Tomorrow's rally is designed to persuade legislators to vote in favor of a bill that would make Missouri a state with a primary seat belt law. Meaning, an officer can ticket someone for the primary violation of not wearing their safety belt. Now, a tickeet can only be issued if the driver is performing some other illegal action, then the lack of a belt is on top of their other ticket.
This has been debated for years-seriously, we were trying to get this bill passed when I was a college intern eeight years ago. It seems the time is now! So, if you're a fan of keeping your loved ones alive, please consider heading up to Jeff. City tomorrow to show your support for the Missouri Safety Council's efforts to help pass this bill.

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