Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Erin Weed, Mike Domitrz and Marcus at Bacchus General Assembly!

As you might expect, I meet a whole, WHOLE lot of speakers in this biz. Two of the finest speakers (and people) I know are these two folks pictured with me; Erin Weed with Girls Fight Back:
and Mike Domitrz with "Can I Kiss You?"

If you've had yours truly to your campus and trust my opinion, you simply cannot go wrong with either of these speakers, too! I'm honored to be in the same business with them and to call them friends!


Anonymous said...

Marcus, thank you sooo much for your kind words. You are one of the greats who is the same man on stage that is off stage. Integrity and congruity in everything you do. Thank you for being you!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props Marcus...much love right back at ya!